
Bombing in Gaza: Stop the Killing!

The US/Israel led bloodbath in Gaza this week fills my spirit with sadness and my mind with fury. We must act to spare future generations from lives of terror.

We must work together! Justice for all peoples of the world!

We cannot continue to sit by and watch. Most everyone, besides insulated Americans, seem aware that the US is the senior partner in this madness. We are responsible for changing the beast because we receive privileges from its actions. Perhaps the relative comforts we take for granted cause our collective inaction.

It is time Now to converge as people of conscience and confront those responsible. We must hold all of the leaders, businesses, and soldiers involved accountable for their criminal actions.

Without an immediate end to this illegal war based on blinding fear, we will face generations of perpetual fighting. We cannot turn back the clock, but we can get involved now to show the world that people are watching, and we are pissed!

Please, tune in and get more information about this, a most historic conflict in our generation. Then think about what these bombings and attacks will do to the already war torn Gaza region and communities.

What will our grandchildren think of us if we simply stand by and watch while our leaders command senseless civilian murder?

Do we think the grandchildren of the survivors of these war crimes will forget the pain that they encounter by losing their parents, their siblings, their homes, or their very sovereignty?

Think about what skills you have and how you can apply them to contribute to a better future, for everyone. If you want, comment at the end of this rant and describe your ideas, so we can begin to manifest them.

In the name of justice, sanity, and humanity:

Organize an action!

Attend a protest!

Contact lawmakers!

Demand the end to this awful injustice!

Check back here to find out about ongoing protest activities so you may voice your outrage at these atrocious attacks on civilians.

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